Christian Fellowship
Scripture: Philippians 2:1-4 (NIV)
Therefore, if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
Our scripture from Philippians encourages us to have fellowship with our fellow believers. This fellowship is essential to our Christian walk. All of us get tired and worn out in our walk with the Lord. We need each other for encouragement and strength along the way. When one believer is experiencing trials and tribulations there is another that can raise his or her spirits up with an encouraging word or thoughtful deed. Paul teaches here that we are to be full of love toward our fellow believers in Christ. This love is to be the trademark of all of the Christian life.
Tenderness and compassion are likewise to be shown to our fellow Christians. These qualities are often lacking in today’s church. When we see a fellow Christian suffering, we often turn a blind eye to their need. Perhaps thinking that they deserve whatever trials they are going through. The tenderhearted and compassionate Christian cannot help but reach out in love toward those who are suffering any kind of pain or suffering. By doing this we know that we are sharing in the Holy Spirit’s ministry among all believers. We are showing forth the fruit of the Spirit in our relationships with fellow Christians.
Paul then warns the Philippian believers against acting out of selfish ambition and vain conceit. There is always a temptation to show off how good of a Christ-follower we are by doing actions that show what good and virtuous people we are. We must be humble with each other. Knowing that whatever goodness that is within us comes from Christ through the Holy Spirit. It is not our own doing so that none of us has any right to boast about our righteous deeds, or actions.
In concluding this passage Paul urges us to count others as better than ourselves. Such is the mark of true humility in the Christian life. Looking and really seeing the needs of a fellow believer and meeting those needs means that we are going the right way in our walk with the Lord. Paul ends by explaining what Christian love is really supposed to be. That is a love that always looks out for our fellow Christians. Paul says if we behave this way Paul will be pleased with us. My bet is that not only Paul will be pleased with us if we extend a helping hand to our fellow Christians, but God will be pleased as well.
Lord help us to be Christians who look out for the needs of our fellow believer’s. Let us always be looking for ways to serve one another. Let our lives be marked by (to hijack President Kennedy’s line) our asking not what the church can do for us, but what can we do for our church. Let us always seek a servant’s heart in all we do. May our lives bring glory to your holy name. Amen.
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