Better Is One Day


Scripture: Psalm 84:10, 12 (NIV)

10 Better is one day in your courts

than a thousand elsewhere;

I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God

than dwell in the tents of the wicked . . .

      12 Lord Almighty,

blessed is the one who trusts in you.




            Where do you dwell? Either physically or mentally where do you spend most of your time? The psalmist is convinced that the house of the Lord is the place we ought to dwell. In today’s world dwelling in the courts of the Lord physically is probably not what the psalmist had in mind. However, even in today’s modern world with all its mobility and change most of us spend our time somewhere. For most of us that means attending to our employment duties. Work takes up eight hours or more each day. How can we maintain what the psalmist is urging us to do?


            I believe the answer is to bring the courts of the Lord with us to our work. This would involve making God’s kingdom visible in our actions. It begins by being honest and forthright in all we do as employees or especially if we are the boss. Living as one who is attending to the courts of the Lord would certainly mean treating other with the respect due to an image bearer to God. The kingdom of heaven is a place where all sorts of people are at home, so we must extend hospitality to all who come within our circle of influence.


            You see the courts of the Lord is for us a mental construct. It exists as a real place in space and time, but we are not there yet. So, we must look for sightings of God’s kingdom appearing on earth, so that we can have our hearts and souls refreshed with the living water that flows from our God. So, we must, as Christians, seek to keep our minds fixed on our ultimate goal. Which is true communion with God. Our minds must be stayed on Jesus. The world may enjoy the pleasures of sin found in the tents of the wicked. And for awhile such a lifestyle might be appealing, but it always leaves you feeling empty and lost inside.


            We must, therefore, trust in the Lord and in his eternal plan for the salvation of the world. It will truly make us fit for heaven and eternity within those gates of the Lord. Indeed, mentally we are to already to dwell there. Renewing our minds daily by the Holy Spirit will keep us on the right track with God. Helping us resist the lure of the dwelling places of evil and destruction, so that we may be sealed for heaven. As we live for the kingdom of God.


            Let us live our lives so that we may receive the blessing promised in verse 12 of this Psalm. That we may truly live eternally in God’s presence. And enjoy eternal life with the people of God. May we ask God to lead us to his promised kingdom.



            Lord we long to spend eternity with you. Our hearts are truly restless until they find their true rest in you. Fill us with hope for eternal life with you and all the saints forever in your kingdom. Let us seek to enter that kingdom here and now by renewing our minds in your Holy Spirit so that we may become true seekers and followers after you. Thank you, Lord, that you loved us enough to send your son to live, die, and rise again sealing us in Christ for all eternity. May Jesus hear and answer our prayers. Amen


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