Not Being Anxious

Scripture: Philippians 4:4-7 (NIV)

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


            Here we see an often-quoted passage of scripture. I am afraid that through its (over)use it may have lost some of its meaning to us in the contemporary church. We are inclined to quickly scan these words and take these wonderful words of scripture without meditating on what they might mean if we spent time meditating on them. Let us move more slowly and deliberately to examine this rich passage of scripture and apply its meaning in our lives. This passage is truly a call to enjoy the rich salvation we have found through our relationship with Jesus Christ.

            Let us begin at the beginning. “Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again Rejoice” this is a call to lay aside all that troubles us and to give Jesus praise for what he has done for us. Stop and really consider what Paul is emphasizing here. We, Christians, are to be a people not marked by sadness, depression, and anxiety. Instead, we are called to be a people of joy overflowing. We among all people on this earth have reason to be joyful. Even when we are persecuted or harassed because of our faith we know that Jesus has given us the incomparable gift of eternal life. Rejoicing should be our default condition.

            Gentleness, likewise, should be evidenced in our life. The Christian is never to be rude or harsh in our demeanor. We are to have a spirit of gentleness even when an enemy opposes us. Gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5), and it should mark our lives in increasing amounts. Remembering the example of Jesus who did not resist those who would crucify him but submitted to death, even death on a cross. Gentleness must always be evident in our lives no matter what the situation we find ourselves in.

            Next, we come to the really hard part of this scripture. “Do not be anxious about anything,” In our world today anxiety is everywhere. We have anxiety about the past, the future, about our finances, and our families. It seems that there is nothing about which we cannot find ourselves anxious. We feel as if we are responsible for the ultimate outcome of everything we worry about. Paul is very clear here though. We must turn our anxieties over to God through prayer, and petition, even with thanksgiving making our requests be made known to the Father. It is so hard for us to do this. Our culture instructs us to keep all these things under our tight control. We are told that we must be in control at all times.

            However, God reassures our hearts that if we give up our control, we will find a peace that passes all our human understanding. That our hearts and minds will actually be calmed and at peace as Jesus comes to rule in our lives. Rather than be anxious and uptight about the way situations present themselves, we can instead know peace in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in. Let us pray for that peace:


            O God we are a worried and anxious people we too often follow the ways of the world not the ways of Jesus. Help us to accept that Jesus knows best about how to run our lives. Trusting in your provision help us to reach out to others with the good news that living a life of tension and anxiety is not the only way to live. Be near to us each day reminding us of your steadfast love for us. Let us trust in your plan for our life. A plan for our welfare not our destruction. Now glorify your name among your people, that the world seeing our conduct may be drawn to us. Amen.


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