A Sinner Is Saved


Scripture: Romans 1:17 (RSV) 

17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed through faith for faith; as it is written, “He who through faith is righteous shall live.” 


This verse, written by the Apostle Paul, serves as a cornerstone of the Christian faith. It encapsulates the essence of the gospel: God's righteousness, which refers to His moral perfection and justice, is unveiled through faith, and it is by faith that believers are justified and find true life. 

Romans 1:17 was a transformative scripture for Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation. Before his breakthrough, Luther was burdened by an overwhelming sense of guilt and fear of God's judgment. Despite his devout practices and rigorous penance, he felt the weight of his sins and the impossibility of attaining God's righteousness on his own. His struggle reflects the human condition, and his transformation provides hope for all of us. 

In his deep struggle, Luther studied Romans and encountered verse 1:17. The revelation that righteousness comes from God and is accessed through faith rather than works struck him like a lightning bolt. It was an epiphany that reshaped his understanding of the gospel. Luther realized that righteousness is not earned but received as a gift through faith in Christ. This insight liberated him from the relentless pursuit of self-justification and filled him with a profound sense of peace and assurance of salvation. 

Luther’s newfound understanding ignited a passion within him to share this liberating truth. It became the catalyst for the Reformation, challenging the established church’s teachings and practices and calling believers back to the simplicity and purity of the gospel. 

Romans 1:17 continues to remind us that our righteousness is not based on our efforts or merits, but on our faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. This faith, given to us by God's grace, is the sustaining force that enables us to live righteously before Him. Let us be grateful for this grace and recognize our dependence on it as we journey in faith. 

As we meditate on this verse, let us embrace the freedom and confidence it offers, knowing that our standing with God is secure through faith. This faith, granted to us by God's grace, sustains and empowers us to live righteously before Him. May it inspire us to walk in faith and share this transformative truth with others, just as it did for Martin Luther. Let this confidence in our faith be a source of strength and empowerment in our daily lives.


Lord, thank you for this scripture's impact on Martin Luther's life. Help us to emulate him in seeking and finding comfort in your great grace. We praise you that as we mature in faith, we become more aware of the power of a grace that is more than sufficient for salvation through your cross and resurrection. May we magnify your name and live lives that exemplify faithfulness. Amen.


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