The Veil is Removed
Scripture: 2
Corinthians 3:16-18 (ESV)
16 But when one turns
to the Lord, the veil is removed. 17 Now
the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, with
unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the
same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord
who is the Spirit.
The veil spoken of in this scripture
passage may puzzle Christians today as we are unfamiliar with the term and what
it means. Since in today’s church no one wears veils. The saying comes from the
book of Exodus where Moses wears a veil because his face shown with the glory
of the Lord after he met with God in the tabernacle. The term is also used of
the Hebrew people because their eyes were veiled with regard to Jesus. This spiritual
veil prevented them from seeing Jesus for who he really was.
I would say that in our current
times, many people are wearing a veil just as the Hebrews of Jesus day did. For
many different reasons our culture refuses to see and acknowledge Jesus as Lord
and Savior. Their eyesight is dimmed to spiritual things, and they cannot or
will not receive Jesus as Lord of their lives. Our culture claims to be spiritually
enlightened and scientifically advanced, so that they have no need for Jesus or
the Bible. In so doing they drive humanity to the point of extinction in the
name of progress.
What can believers do about this
dire situation? First, we must pray. We need to pray for wisdom, courage, and
boldness. These things are needed to battle against the spirit of the age that
has blinded the eyes of those who do not believe. We need to proclaim with
unveiled faces the truth that Jesus is Lord and human beings are not. Some will
complain that we should just preach the gospel and leave the culture alone to
rot away. Preaching the gospel is essential but we must live the gospel in
order to be true followers of Jesus. This will involve moving outside our comfort
zone to meet the world as it is.
We must let the world know that the
course they have set will lead ultimately to disaster. Repentance and following
Jesus is the only hope for this lost and hurting society. Their way of life
simply will not lead to human flourishing and peace. (Which they claim to be so
concerned about.) We must model something better. We must model Christ as the
way, truth, and life for the world.
Lord, we live in a culture walking
around with blinders on. It runs here and there seeking peace and fulfillment
but not finding it. Lord help us to show the world a better way by showing them
the ways of Christ. Let us not be anxious and afraid but courageous and bold to
walk in the way that Jesus walked when He lived among us. Help us always to be
ready to give an explanation for the hope which we have in Jesus to any who ask
us. May we be salt and light in the midst of a tasteless and dark world. Amen.
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