The Righteous Branch


Scripture: Jerimiah 23:5-6 (ESV)

 “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. And this is the name by which he will be called: ‘The Lord is our righteousness.’


            This passage of scripture is widely believed to be a prophecy of the coming Messiah. In it Jerimiah tells of a day when God will raise up one from the line of King David to rule with power and authority. All wisdom to execute justice having been given to this person He will reign as a king over Israel. Seeing Jesus’ coming through this scripture proves difficult for us. While Jesus did come from the line of David, He refused to be made King and instead chose to suffer as a servant on behalf of the people.

            Seeing these facts, we should see that this saying has been left unfulfilled. When Jesus returns, however, he will come as the ruler of the world. This prophecy will be fulfilled completely at that time. It is plain to see that Israel has not dwelt securely in the land for a long, long time. We cannot say that they dwell securely today, especially in view of what has transpired in the land over the past few months. These words are not written about Jesus’ first coming, rather they are written about His return in glory for His people.

            These words should fill us with hope for the return of Jesus. He will come in these last days to bring true justice, righteousness, and peace to the world. We, as God’s people, must be ready for the return of our true King. In this season of advent, we prepare our hearts and minds to be open and read for Jesus’ return. The desire of our souls must be for relief from the suffering and pain that the world suffers under at this time. All humanity needs the Savior’s touch. Let us pray that we may be ready when He comes.


            Lord, we read these words in Jerimiah with a longing in our hearts to see them come true in our day. Prepare us Lord, to lead everyone we know to trust that you will return as King over the world. Refresh the hope we have in you dear Lord. Help us not to become cynical because we imagine that you are not coming back for us. May we pray for peace in the land of Israel today. We look forward the return of Jesus. We seek to welcome Him when He returns. Amen


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