Take Heart!

Scripture: John 16:33 (ESV)

33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”


            Jesus is speaking in today’s scripture passage. He has been telling His disciples that He will soon be leaving them to go the Father. The disciples were understandably worried about what this might mean. In this verse Jesus comforts them by telling them that though trouble is coming their way they can rest assured that Jesus will be with them. They will not have to confront the persecution that is coming their way alone.

            These words should calm our fears today as they did for the first disciples 2,000 years ago. Jesus wants us to know peace in Him. As our culture turns against Jesus and his followers today, we can be assured of His love and care for the church that bears His name. Jesus tells His first followers that they will face difficult times. We should expect no less in our situation. This world’s system is opposed to Jesus’ message, so it opposes all those in every moment of history who proclaim the gospel.

            It should be easier for us who live on the other side of the cross and resurrection to believe these words of Jesus. During advent we remember Christ’s incarnation. We rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus came to save us from our sins. We know in our heads that Jesus has saved us, however, we struggle with our hearts pulling us in a different direction. We often do not act as if we have been saved. We too often lack the assurance of our salvation as we live in times of opposition to our faith.

            Jesus’ words in this verse should encourage us as it did those first disciples so long ago. Let us seek to live into the promise of this verse. Putting fear and anxiety behind us and live in the assurance of God’s provision and care. God so loved the world that Jesus came to save the world. We can always know His loving care for us. When we seek to know the comfort of Christ’s saving love, we are assured that it is there, and we can rely on it. Let us pray now to know and accept God’s loving provision for us.


            Lord, open the eyes of our hearts to hear and apply the words of Jesus as we find them here in the Gospel of John. Grant to us, O Lord, assurance of our destiny with Jesus in heaven. Glorify your name in us by giving us a peace that conquers our fears. Lead us through our struggles by strengthening us with your Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives. Help us to live as your people. May all we say and do be for your glory. Amen. 


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