We Give Thanks 2022

Scripture: Psalm 100 (NIV)

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

2     Worship the Lord with gladness;

come before him with joyful songs.

Know that the Lord is God.

It is he who made us, and we are his;

we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving

and his courts with praise;

give thanks to him and praise his name.

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;

his faithfulness continues through all generations.



            Today we prepare for tomorrow’s celebration of Thanksgiving here in the United States. This psalm will help us prepare to give thanks for all the blessings God has bestowed upon us. We may like to complain and moan about how bad we have things here in the U.S. but compared to some places in the world we are blessed beyond all measure. Sure, we have our problems all nations do. We, compared to the rest of the world, are wealthier and more privileged than most of the world’s nations. Individually we may have our health or other challenges, but we have better health care than most of the world.

            We, therefore, should be shouting for joy for all the blessings we have received. Take some time today if you can to list all the blessings you have experienced in the last year on a piece of paper. I think you will be amazed at what the Lord has done for you this last year. Multiply your results by 300 million or so and you will see that we are a very blessed nation, indeed. Let us go to God with our prayers of thanksgiving. Remembering all that the Lord has done for us here in the U.S. Let us flood the gates of heavens with our praises.

            After we have given thanks to God we can, therefore, turn our hearts to our neighbor and let them know how much the Lord has done for us and listen to our neighbor tell us of all the blessings they have received from the Lord. Be aware that God has been so good to us. Let us celebrate the Lord’s provision for us with great gladness and joy. Proclaiming for all to hear how much the Lord has blessed us in just one year.

            We must know that the Lord desires to bless us even more in the years to come. Even though we are imperfect sinners God loves us still and is prepared to shower us with blessings again and again. Let us sing a song of thanksgiving today. Preparing us body, soul, and spirit to give thanks again all day tomorrow.


            Lord, our hearts are filled with awe and wonder as we consider all the wonderful gifts you have given us this year. We rejoice knowing that you desire to bless us again next year. Help us always to be grateful for what you have done for us. So that our songs of praise may be heard all year round, not just on Thanksgiving Day. Praise the Lord. Amen.


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