Psalm 121
Scripture: Psalm 121:1-8 (NIV)
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord
watches over you—
Lord is your shade at your right
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
the moon by night.
7 The Lord
will keep you from all harm—
will watch over your life;
8 the Lord
will watch over your coming and going
now and forevermore.
this brief Psalm we see the announcement of God’s provision for his people. The
opening stanza declares that the psalmist is looking solely to God for help for
help. The mountains here probably refer to Jerusalem where God was thought to
dwell with his people. We should always look to God who dwells with us for
assistance with all of our needs. In this time of year when we prepare for the
holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, let us look to God to prepare our hearts
to give thanks for all he has done for us, and open our hearts to receive the
gift of Immanuel.
Lord will not let his people slip as they climb toward their goal. God is
constantly watching over us. Unlike humans God needs no sleep. He takes no naps,
nor does he need any sleep of any kind. As humans we must stop and rest
periodically. God gave us a sabbath to rest. He stopped creating on the seventh
day and made it holy. Though he rested he never slept. He watches over those he
has called to be his own constantly.
God will protect us from all harm. Although we may be afflicted with various
ills and ailments, God will always save our souls in the end. Regardless of what
happens to these earthly bodies God will ultimately deliver us from anything
that would afflict us. He will preserve us. We will be his treasured possession
when we are resurrected on the last day.
The psalmist repeats the word watches several times in this short Psalm. Each time it is about how God watches over us. In an age where many believe that God does not interfere with things on earth, the psalmist would beg to differ. He declares that God is constantly watching over us to help us in our daily lives. He will help us now and throughout eternity. We should be able to relax knowing that our eternal destiny is being superintended by our loving and merciful God.
thank you for watching over us. Help us to live before your face as faithful
disciples. Glorify yourself in your loving care for your creation. May we glorify
you each and every day from now until eternity. Help us to be faithful servants.
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