Be Mature in Christ

Scripture: Ephesians 4:14-15 (NIV)

14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.


            Paul in today’s scripture is laying out what our life will be like when we are finally mature in the Lord. As it is today Christians are too often blown about by every new wind of doctrine, every new thought about Christ. We often fight and wound our brothers and sisters in the Lord by being immature children playing at things that the mature in the Lord know enough to avoid. Culture tells us what we are to believe and do and we follow along not wanting to seem different or be called out as unloving or backwards in our thinking.

            The world, the flesh, and the devil, seek to put us back into the chains that Jesus Christ broke off of us. This unholy trinity seeks to undermine faith and pervert our love for each other that they may claim victory over Jesus and his redemptive work. We must be careful to be clothed in the armor of God which God has prepared for each soldier in his army to wear. And so clothed, we must stand against the evil days ahead. Make no mistake about this. If you stand for the truth of God’s word and live according to that standard, you will become an enemy to the world.

            We must always speak God’s truth to combat the enemies lies. We, however, must speak God’s truth in love. Our neighbors should hear and see God’s love in our words and actions. We must always be growing to be more like Christ so when we stand before his throne, we will hear Christ proclaim, “well done my good and faithful servant.” That is the goal of the Christian life. We are to seek to be loyal servants of the one true King. We are to please him in everything we do and say.

            Let us, therefore, train our hearts, minds, and souls, to be sensitive to the Lord’s leading in our lives. Let us seek to listen only to the call of the one true Shepherd of our souls ignoring the calls of the world system that seeks to drag us down into sin. Help us grow into maturity in Christ that we may be examples of Christ’s love in and for the world. Let us pray for this maturity.


            Lord God almighty, save us from the winds that would blow us about. Keep our eyes and ears focused on you and your leading in our lives. Strengthen us to be witnesses of Christ’s love in the world. Let us shine like lights in the darkness. Let the light of Christ within us drive the forces of evil into retreat. Glorify yourself O God in our lives. May we be your faithful servants. Amen.


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