The Disciple
Scripture: Luke 6:40 (ESV)
40 A
disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will
be like his teacher.
Today we consider what it is like to
be a disciple of Jesus in our modern society. We will begin by looking at what
it must have been like for those first disciples who followed Jesus throughout
his life, death, resurrection, and ascension. The first disciples did not know
what they were getting into. There was no job interview. Just a stark call to “come
follow me.” The amazing thing is that they did drop everything they were doing
and followed this itinerant teacher. They must have had to put up with
difficult living conditions. And they faced strong opposition from their friends
and family.
These first disciples learned much from
their teacher. They were found ministering to the poor, the widow, and the
orphan. They also received power from on high to heal the sick, get rid of
oppressive demons, and even raise the dead. Most of all they learned that Jesus
loved them, and they were to love those they met with that same kind of open
handed, generous love they had seen modeled by Jesus. Most of them would never
have to worry about a pension plan or what to do in their old age as they would
like their teacher would not survive into old age. Giving their life for their teacher
and his message.
So, those first disciples taught
those who would come after them. The chain of disciple becoming the teacher who
taught the disciple would continue down through the millennia. Even so today we
who are older are to be teaching the younger the way of Jesus. Most of our
lives have changed quite a bit since Jesus' day. In most places in the west
today you will not find yourself being killed for your faith. However, the
persecution of believers is starting even here at home. It may cost you
something to follow Jesus today. We are beginning to feel like those first
disciples. The world no longer wants to hear the story of Jesus.
We find ourselves in trouble for
insisting that men are men and women are women. We are looked down upon if we
claim that unborn children deserve a chance at life. Even what used to be the
most common-sense thing of all that criminals should be made to pay for their crimes
is attacked every day. What is a disciple of Jesus to do amid this confusion
and lawlessness? Just keep teaching the truth about Jesus is always the answer.
Our message is not one of condemnation and hatred, but of love and forgiveness.
We teach others as our master taught us. That through our teaching the sick
would be healed, the orphan would be adopted, the widow would be taken care of,
and the poor would have good news preached to them. Let us pray that we will be faithful teachers.
Lord hear our cry to you this day.
Help us to be good teachers of the faith to those who want to believe in you.
Let us disciple both the young and the old. Let us do good to all who are oppressed,
or unwanted by society. May the love of Christ be clearly seen in our actions
and words. May we be dedicated to the cause of Christ no matter what the cost.
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