Teach Your Children Well
Teach Your Children Well
Scripture: Deuteronomy 32:46 (ESV)
He [Moses] said to them, “Take to heart all the words by which I am
warning you today, that you may command them to your children, that they may be
careful to do all the words of this law.
It is the start of a
new school year. Children are going back to start a new school year. It will be
a time when we all should pay attention to the needs of the children all around
us. In Luke we see that Jesus had special place in his heart for children. “1Now they [the people] were
bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples
saw it, they rebuked them. “16 But
Jesus called them to him, saying, Let the children
come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” (Luke
18:15-16 ESV)
In addition to teaching
children about reading, writing, and arithmetic we should also teach them about
Jesus. I, personally, have never forgotten what I learned about Jesus from my
parents and my Sunday School. Little children are eager to learn about anything,
so how much more must we be ready and willing to tell them about Jesus and his
love for them. Since telling students about Jesus in public schools is not
allowed, how much more should we teach them at home and at church at every opportunity.
Even we, as adults, should
continue to learn about Jesus. Jesus says in verse 17 in the passage from Luke
above that “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God
like a child shall not enter it.” We, as adults, need to be childlike, not childish,
in relationship to our Lord. We need to be teachable. We must be eager to learn
about our savior that we may follow him more closely. Children, young and old, need
to be ready to love one another as Jesus loved us and gave himself up for us on
the cross.
So let us dedicate ourselves
to teaching our children about the Lord, as we dedicate ourselves as adults to
continuing to grow in Him. Let us be eager and ready teachers for our kids. Let
us prove faithful at this task. Just as Moses encouraged the people of Israel
to be diligent about teaching their children so we must be diligent teachers
for ours.
Lord, we pray that you
would be with all students as they go back to school this fall. Protect them
from any evil. Please be with their teachers that they may instruct the
children with the knowledge that leads to a good life. Let us as adults teach
them about the love of Jesus. Let us bring them to Jesus through our thoughts,
and deeds. Lord help us all to be teachers and students of your word. Lord, be
with our children at all times. Help them to be ready to learn not only their school
subjects but also about your love for them. Amen
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