Blessed are the Peacemakers...A Prayer for Afghanistan


Blessed are the Peacemakers

(A prayer for Afghanistan)


Scripture: Matthew 5:9 (ESV)


9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.



          Lord send forth peacemakers into your world. We ask that you protect the people of Afghanistan during this season. Be with those who call on your name during this troubled time. Protect and defend them, O Lord.


 Show the people of Afghanistan your tender love and mercy. Protect them all. Help them to find their way to you. Shed your grace abroad in their nation. Bring them a peace that passes understanding.


          Be with our soldiers, Lord. We pray for leaders of the military that they may have wisdom to do what is best for the peace of that nation. Protect our soldier’s and civilian’s lives. May your presence be felt by them as they seek to escape this situation.


          Help us to be peacemakers here at home. Taking whatever is causing strife between people and turn it into peace. May we who call on your name be known as peacemakers in our own place and time. Teach us how, O Lord, to be bringers of calm and serenity in a world that has lost its way. Lead us in the paths of peace. May all this be done in the name of your dear son, Jesus. Amen.


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