How Should We Now Live?
Scripture Romans 14:17
17 For the kingdom
of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace
and joy in the Holy Spirit. (ESV)
There seems to be a great deal of
confusion and bewilderment over what one should do regarding what precautions
one should take to prevent the spread of Covid-19. How should we live in light
of this continuing pandemic that has overtaken the world? In a similar way the
people of Rome apparently were confused about what was or was not proper to eat
and drink. It is to this crowd that Paul addresses this part of his letter to Romans.
In fact, I recommend that we should all go back to Romans 14 and read the
entire thing to get a better glimpse of what Paul has in mind here.
I want to explore in this devotion the
similarities and between our situation with the pandemic and the Romans
situation with food and drink. Then go on to discuss how to live an abundant
life in the Holy Spirit despite what is going on in the culture around us. Too
frequently we get wrapped up in our own situations in life and miss the big
picture of God’s intentions for us in the world.
The church at Rome was divided over
whether it was proper to eat meat or only vegetables. With some members
offending other members by their eating habits. Paul indicates that it is
better to give up eating meat rather than to offend a brother or sister in
Christ. This teaching could apply to all manner of things that are not
essential to the faith. Paul elsewhere teaches that one should not be concerned
about whether one person celebrates special days, and another doesn’t. So how
can we apply Paul’s teaching to our situation in the year 2021 nearly two
thousand years later?
Much has been made about wearing of
masks. Some people choose to do so, and some do not. The mask at this point as
far as the church is concerned should be a matter of indifference. It is strictly
a matter of conscience not a matter of sin. Agreeing to be flexible in this and
other matters related to the pandemic makes for a gracious church environment.
God through the work of the Holy
Spirit seeks to build the kingdom of God up in the middle of this diversity. Just
as the Spirit was at work in the church in Rome, the spirit is seeking to work
in our church today.
The way that God works in us as a
church recorded here for us by Paul is that we should exhibit the signs of righteousness,
peace, and joy. Paul here gives a roadmap to the true signs of a spirit filled
church. If we as believers can follow this instruction, we can be certain that
we are living a life that is God honoring and fulfilling for our own spiritual well-being.
Help us Lord to be mindful of our
brothers and sisters in the church. May we live, with your help, so that we do
not offend anyone unnecessarily. Teach us to be loving of our neighbors and seek
to build them up instead of tearing them down. Help us to live in the Holy
Spirit lives that exhibit righteousness, peace, and joy in our relationships
with one another. Amen.
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