Thanksgiving Week 2

Scripture: John 3:16–17 (NRSV)
16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. 17 “Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
Today I want us to give thanks for Jesus. These familiar scriptures from the Gospel of John tell the story of our new life in Christ. I am so thankful that God sent Jesus into the world. I would be so lost in my sin without the ability to rely on God’s grace.
First I am grateful to God for just sending Jesus so that we can look at the testimony about how he lived his life among us, so that we might be able to have the ability to follow his example. I know that without that example I would be lost as to how to live my life.
Second I am grateful for Jesus because he died for my sins and yours on a cross. Crucified like a criminal between two thieves Jesus did away with the terrible penalty of death that sin requires. God does not want us to perish but to have eternal life. The completely undeserved grace of a new life in Christ Jesus touches my heart so deeply that I cannot really find words to express it. I am so thankful for Jesus the Lover of My Soul.
Finally I am grateful to Jesus because he desires everyone to be saved. My Savior isn’t stingy with his grace. Jesus is so generous, so slow to anger, and so quick to forgive. I know I can preach the good news to anyone knowing that God desires them to come into the same relationship that I have experienced. God’s grace is truly scandalous. Jesus invites sinners of every kind into the kingdom he is establishing here on earth.
            Won’t you join me in giving thanks for Jesus? He is truly a friend of sinners. Jesus shows us the way to God through his life, death, and resurrection. The offer of salvation is free to anyone who will accept it. Let us praise God for the love shown to us through Jesus!
            Jesus lover of our souls, we lift our hands in praise to you. We are so thankful for our salvation that we want to tell the world about the wonders of our God. Help us Jesus to minister to others as you ministered to those first follo of yours. Allow us to be ministers of your Gospel, so that the world may know the wonders of your love. Amen


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