A Life Hidden with God in Christ from October 2012


 Scripture: Colossians 3:1–4 (NRSV)
3 So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory.
            Today’s scripture contains some amazing thoughts. They are a source of great hope for those of us who follow Christ. Our problem with scriptures like this is that we read for speed and fail to slow down and take in the full richness of meaning that is contained in this passage.
            “No one longs for eternal, incorruptible, and immortal life, unless he is wearied of this temporal, corruptible, and mortal life” [Augustine]. The great Saint Augustine helps us understand how and why we must direct our gaze in the direction the Apostle Paul has in mind.
            Paul first directs the gaze of our hearts and minds to heaven. He paints a great scene with God in the heavenly throne room with Christ seated at God’s right hand. We are told to both seek and set our minds on this great scene. We are asked to contemplate the awe and majesty of this word picture.
            Once we have that picture locked in our mind’s eye then Paul asks us to do something even more astonishing. He asks us to view our lives hidden with Christ in God. God has invited us to be with God in the heavens. Where we will dwell until Christ is revealed. We are led to see the true beauty of God in the heavens so that our souls will never be satisfied until we experience this beauty and glory face to face with the one who created the heavens and the earth. And become intoxicated with our relationship with Christ who made the journey to Earth and the cross.
            As Christ was revealed alive on Easter morning so shall we be revealed on the day of Christ’s return. Somehow our very selves with be clothed with the glory of God. Not by any work or merit of our own but by the grace of God we will partake in that glory.
            Taking our time and contemplating these few words will help us keep our hearts, souls, and minds focused on the prize of eternal life in Christ. The earthly distractions and sins will lose their power to fascinate us once we have been forever captured by God’s glory. Let us pray for the ability to see and experience the wonder of God in heaven.
            Dear Lord, hear our prayer this day. Help us to focus on the things that are above. Show us what treasures you have for us in heaven. Teach us the practice of reading, meditating and contemplating on your scriptures. Let our souls feast at the banquet of your love. Fill our hearts with your love so that they will never wander far from you again. Amen


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