Paul’s Boast


Scripture: Galatians 6:14 (ESV)

14 But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.


What does it mean to boast in the cross of Christ? How can a symbol of suffering and shame be a source of joy and glory? The apostle Paul's radical perspective on the cross transformed his life and ministry. He saw the cross not only as the means of salvation, but also as the pattern of discipleship, a transformative power that can turn suffering into joy and shame into glory, bringing hope and inspiration to all who believe.

To boast in the cross means to celebrate the grace and power of God revealed in Jesus's death and resurrection. It means acknowledging that we are sinners who cannot save ourselves and that we need the mercy and forgiveness of God. It means to trust in the love and sovereignty of God, who works all things for our good and his glory. It means to rejoice in the hope and freedom that we have in Christ, who has overcome the world and the devil, offering us a life of joy and freedom, uplifting and encouraging us in our daily lives.

But to boast in the cross also means to share in the sufferings and sacrifices of Christ. It means to die to our selfish desires, to our worldly ambitions, to our human wisdom. It means to live for Christ, follow his commands, serve his purposes, and proclaim his gospel. It means to be crucified to the world, and the world to us. It means to renounce the values and standards of the world, and to seek the kingdom and righteousness of God.

Paul boasted in the cross because he experienced the power and grace of the cross in his own life. He was once a proud and zealous persecutor of the church, but he encountered the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. He was blinded by the light, but he received new sight. He was humbled by the truth, but he embraced the grace. He was transformed by the Spirit, but he suffered for the gospel. He lost everything, but he gained Christ. His personal journey is a testament to the transformative power of the cross, a journey that we can all relate to and find comfort in.

How about us? Do we boast in the cross of Christ? Do we see the cross as the center of our faith and life? Do we appreciate the grace and power of God displayed in the cross? Do we follow Christ's example and teaching, who calls us to take up our cross and follow him? May we, like Paul, boast only in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to us and the world.


            Heavenly Father, may we be found to be boasting in nothing but the salvation you worked through your Son, Jesus. May we become so enraptured by Jesus that all the world seems dim and unattractive to us. Glorify Jesus in us each and every moment. May we be faithful witnesses to and disciples of Jesus. Every day of our lives. Amen. 


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