Let The Lord Teach You


Scripture: Psalm 32:8 (NIV)

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;

I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.



God has a unique, tailor-made plan for your life and He longs to guide you in His ways. He is not a distant or indifferent God who leaves you to figure things out on your own. He is a loving and personal God who cares about every detail of your life and wants to bless you with His wisdom and peace.

But how can you hear his voice and follow his direction? Psalm 32:8 gives us some clues. First, God says he will instruct you and teach you. This means that God wants to communicate with you through his word, the Bible. The Bible is not just a book of stories and rules; it is God's living and active word that reveals his character, his promises, and his will for your life. As you read, study, meditate, and memorize the Bible, you will learn more about God and his ways, and you will be able to apply his truth to your daily decisions and challenges.

Second, God says He will counsel you with His loving eye on you. This means God desires a personal, intimate relationship with you through prayer. Prayer is not just a way of asking God for things or thanking Him for blessings; it is a way of conversing with God and listening to His voice. As you pray, you can share your thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires with God and ask Him for guidance, direction, and wisdom. God will not always give you a clear or audible answer, but He will speak to your heart and mind through His Holy Spirit, who lives in you if you are a believer. God will also confirm His will through other ways, such as circumstances, people, or events.

Having a humble and obedient heart is the key to hearing and following God's guidance. Psalm 32:9 warns us not to be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding and need to be controlled by bit and bridle. God does not want to force us to do His will; He wants us to willingly and joyfully submit to Him and trust Him. He knows what is best for us and has our best interests at heart. We will miss His blessings and experience unnecessary pain and trouble if we resist or ignore His guidance. But if we seek and follow His advice, we will enjoy His presence and His peace.


            Lord, help us to remember that you are a loving God who cares for me and all people. Teach us. We want to learn your ways and walk in them. Grant us your peace and help us to always look to you for aid in times of struggle. Be there when we call on you so we will never need to be afraid or anxious. Lord, the world is scary, with unknown dangers at every turn. Please help us keep our feet from wandering away from you. Amen.


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