Freedom In Jesus


Scripture: John 8:32 (ESV)

32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


Jesus said these words to the Jews who had believed in him but were still holding on to their traditions and laws. He challenged them to abide in his word, the trustworthy source of freedom from sin and death. He also exposed their false claim to be Abraham's children since they did not do the works of Abraham and wanted to kill him. He revealed that he was the Son of God, who came from the Father and spoke the truth that the Father had given him.

What does it mean to know the truth? It is not just an intellectual knowledge of facts or doctrines but a personal and experiential knowledge of Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). To know him is to love him, trust him, obey him, and follow him. It is a transformative journey, guided by his grace and power, and leading to a life of purpose and fulfillment in his mission and glory.

How does the truth set us free? It frees us from the bondage of sin, which enslaves us to our selfish desires and leads us to death. It frees us from the lies of the devil, who deceives us with false promises and accusations. It frees us from the fear of man, who can harm only our bodies but not our souls. It frees us from the burden of the law, which we cannot keep and which condemns us. It also frees us to enjoy the forgiveness, peace, joy, and hope God gives us in Christ, uplifting and encouraging us in our journey. It frees us to serve God and others with love and gratitude.

Do you want to be free? Then, listen to Jesus and follow him. He is the truth that will set you free. He is the truth that will make you truly alive. He is the truth that will never fail you. He is the truth that will lead you to the Father's house. Let us lift our cries for freedom to the only one who can set us free.


            Hear our prayer, O Lord. We would be free but often act as if we were more comfortable in our bondage to our sins. Teach us, O Lord, to trust in you wholeheartedly and help us follow your way more closely. Thank you for the freedom we find in following you with the whole of our being. Please help us to hold nothing back from you. May we find our identity through you, O Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.


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