The Lord’s Desire For You

Scripture: Judges 6:13-14 (ESV)

“Please, my lord, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all his wonderful deeds that our fathers recounted to us, saying, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt?’ But now the Lord has forsaken us and given us into the hand of Midian.” 14 And the Lord turned to him and said, “Go in this might of yours and save Israel from the hand of Midian; do not I send you?”


            Today’s scripture from the Book of Judges begins the call of Gideon to deliver God’s people from the power of the people of Midian. Raiders from Midian have made life miserable for the children of Israel. God wants to end His people’s suffering. He chooses Gideon to be His person for the job. Just like Moses, Gideon complains to the Lord that he is not wealthy or powerful enough for the task. God will have none of it.

            Today, if you asked a man or woman on the street who Gideon was.  You will probably get a blank stare and an “I do not know” in response. If they know the name, they may have noticed that most Motels and Hotels in this country have a Bible in the nightstand with this name embossed on the cover. But their knowledge probably ends there. Even many Christians are not familiar with the story of Gideon from Judges chapters 6-8.

            People in our day and age may not know Gideon. However, God certainly did. The Lord knew that Gideon was not a person you might consider for leadership based on external appearances. God, as always, looks on the inner person when choosing someone to lead His people. The Lord knows us better than we know ourselves.

Gideon shows a mixture of doubt and obedience in the process of accepting God’s call to lead the people. Once Gideon agrees with this call from the Lord, he goes all out to fulfill this call and does, with God’s supernatural help, evict the people of Midian and other nations who were encroaching on the Land God had given to His people.

What lesson does this story have to teach us in the 21st century? First, it teaches us that if we sense the Lord’s call to do something, we can be assured that He will give us all the tools necessary to finish the task set before us. In the coming days, we will look at the various ways God patiently waits for Gideon to get on board with God and His plan to deliver His people. Let us now ask God to open our eyes and ears to hear God calling us to participate in His redemption plan for all humankind.


            Lord God Almighty, bless us with open hearts and clear minds to accept your call on our lives. We have read the Great Commission and know it is your desire for all your children to make disciples of every nation. Help us take that commission seriously, be willing to listen to your inner promptings, and always obey your word. We may, like Gideon, not appear to be able to do much for your kingdom, but you look deeper and know what we are really capable of. Please help us to have faith and follow where you lead. Amen. 


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