Playing God’s Tune

Scripture: Romans 12:16-19a (ESV)

16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. 17 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God,


            Peace, what is it really? There are different definitions depending on the situation in which the word is being used. Peace can mean, in a military sense, the ceasing of combat. Peace, in a domestic sense, can mean something different. God’s peace is the reconciliation between God and humanity achieved through the cross by Jesus on our behalf. Humankind is so broken that we even resist this reconciliation and continue to fight among ourselves.

            Paul recognized this fact when he wrote this letter to the Romans. Here, he details how to live peaceably with our fellow believers and the world. Paul’s first request is that we live in harmony with one another. Our world, unfortunately, is not a world of beautiful harmony, with each person adding their part to a greater whole. Instead, we live in an age of discord. Everyone is trying to play their own individual tune and play their tune louder and louder in an attempt to drown out the others.

            The apostle urges us not to repay evil for evil. Even well-meaning Christians can sometimes wrong their brother or sister. Whether it is intended for evil or not, we must repay evil with honorable behavior. When the world sees Christians attacking one another, they sense that this is not the kind of behavior Jesus would approve of. It makes it easier for them to dismiss Christianity as a myth or fable with no power to change lives. A Christian who has suffered severe injury by anyone always makes news when they extend forgiveness and grace instead of hatred and vengeance toward the one who has injured them.

            Peace, then, is a choice. Peace is a decision to act empowered by the Holy Spirit to build the kingdom. There may be times when we are attacked by others through no fault or provocation by us. God still expects us to respond graciously and with Christian compassion and love. There have been numerous times I have been attacked without cause. In the long run, things have always turned out better for me when I let the Lord repay my attacker. God’s wrath is so much more creative than my own.


            Heavenly Father, we come to you today to seek peace with you through the work of your Son, Jesus. We ask you to help us choose to live in peace with you and with others. Please help us be content to harmonize our lives with your plans for us. Instead of insisting we play our own tune and ignore your attempts to bring us into harmony with others. When others attack us, help us respond in Christian love and leave vengeance to you. May our lives be shining examples of your peace in the world. Amen.


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