Lord of the Harvest

Scripture: Matthew 9:36-38 (ESV)

36 When he [Jesus] saw the crowds, he had compassion for them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest.”


            These words of Jesus are a powerful call to action for the 21st-century church. The church in the West is shrinking both numerically and spiritually. Our lack of witness to the culture can be seen in the skyrocketing numbers of suicides among all age groups. Also, the number of our fellow citizens who are dying of accidental overdoses, particularly fentanyl and other “hard” drugs, is most concerning.

            Just as Jesus looked on the people of His day with compassion, so should we look upon our situation and be filled with compassion. At this critical time in our nation’s history, we need more people willing to share the compassion and love of Christ with our fellow travelers down this winding road ahead of us, filled with obstacles and dangers of all kinds. Our instinct is to retreat from culture when it becomes hostile to our faith. We seek to withdraw into our Christian enclaves and practice our religion only behind closed doors.

            Today’s passage of scripture does not allow such hiding. First, it calls us to prayer. We must pray for supernatural help to meet the world’s problems head-on. Without prayer, we will be too weak and easily frightened. The world needs our witness of love and compassion too much for us to hide in a corner, fearful of angry reactions or harsh words.

            In the next chapter of Matthew’s gospel, Jesus gives instructions and directions for His apostles. These instructions we will look at tomorrow. The procedure is what we should take note of today. First, we pray, then we are sent to do ministry work. If you get that sequence wrong, it is a recipe for disaster and discouragement. For what do we pray? We pray that many will be sent out. If we know someone, perhaps someone we love or who is very close to us, needs help, pray that you can come alongside and plant seeds of love for that person into the kingdom. Pray for open hearts and open minds that many may receive the gospel message.

            Let us take a moment right now to pray for strength, courage, and compassion that we may be salt and light in our dark and bitter world.


            Lord, hear our prayer today. Open our eyes and hearts to those around us who most need your saving grace in their lives. Encourage us to share what we have found in your great grace without fear or hesitation. Create in us a clean heart and a compassionate spirit so that we may be of genuine service to our communities. May our goal not be numbers but names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Help us see the fields ready for harvest and send us out to reap a bountiful harvest for you. Amen. 


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