Lord, Be My Salvation

Lord, Be My Salvation

Scripture: Psalm 35:1-3 (NIV)

Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me;

fight against those who fight against me.

Take up shield and armor;

arise and come to my aid.

Brandish spear and javelin 

against those who pursue me.

Say to me,

“I am your salvation.”




            Today’s psalm is a longer psalm, but its message can be summed up in its first few verses. David, the writer of this psalm, is facing enemies who threaten him physically, mentally, and spiritually. David cries out to God because God is the only salvation that exists for him. David longs to hear words of salvation from the lips of God. Such words encourage David to battle with all his might against those who seek his life and very soul.


            Who do we look to for aid when we are in danger, physical or otherwise? For most of us (me included) we do not cry to the heavens for help. We try to figure out how we can rescue ourselves from whatever danger is coming at us. We look to other people who we think can aid us in our situation. We may even turn to the government and law enforcement if we feel these would be trustworthy aids in avoiding calamity.


            David shows us the way of salvation here in these few opening lines of this psalm. We must learn to cry to the Lord first. Calling on God only after all other lines of help have been tried and found ineffective causes us at best unnecessary heartbreak and physical pain, at worst our very earthly lives. God is never to busy to rescue his children from their distress. God loves to speak the language of salvation into our lives. He delights in rescuing his people from physical, mental, or spiritual danger.


            We must remember, however, that God’s answers to our prayers for help may not be the answers we are looking for. God does not always rescue us from the king's fiery furnace or stop the mouths of lions in the den. Sometimes we will suffer loss. The diagnosis is not always the one we want to hear, our spouse decides to leave and never return, our job suddenly ends. Even in these horrible circumstances God is in control. We may not be able to comprehend all that is happening to us, but God understands and wants us to come to him for solace and comfort.


Regardless of our situation God wants to whisper into our ears these words, “I am your salvation.”


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