We Suffer for Christ

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 (NLT)

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. 10 Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.


            This scripture passage is an introduction to the sufferings of Paul for his faith in Jesus Christ. Many American Christians complain about the state of affairs in the culture today. We find that the Christian religion is no longer respected like it used to be. Well, whatever the condition of the church today, Paul had it worse. Yet he simply did not complain but rather he boasted in his suffering. Thanking God for his wonderful, merciful strengthening for the battle.

            Few, if any, American Christians suffer like Paul did. We have not yet been called upon to give the last full measure of devotion for the faith. Our lives are not in any jeopardy. Paul’s life, however, was always being threatened. The verbs used in this passage all reflect major afflictions that Paul suffered for the sake of Christ.

            This passage should serve as encouragement for the church in America and all the western world. We can be assured that no matter what we suffer for our faith, if we do so as servants of God, we will be saved. Reading this scripture in context with the rest of the New Testament message should give us hope to speak and live our faith with joy and hope. We must bring the good news of Jesus to this dying and decaying world. We have an Easter faith, life from death, honor from dishonor.

            We, as ambassadors of Christ, will be pressed, perplexed, hunted, knocked down, but we will never be defeated by the world. Any suffering we endure will serve ultimately to bring glory to the name of our savior Jesus Christ. We must always remember that this world is not the true end of the matter. There is a life after the death of our bodies, and in that life we will be triumphant. God will be our judge and we are innocent in His eyes.

            Let us therefore, live as children of the king. We should rejoice when persecuted. We can live into our ultimate deliverance from earthly shame and death because Jesus lived, died, and rose again to give us eternal life with him in heaven. The world will never understand the hope we have in Jesus. We must live to make that hope of life real for this world that is dying in despair. Let us go before the throne to praise God for the salvation he has provided for us in Jesus Christ.


            God, we lift your name on high today because you have been so, so good to us. Help us to live joyfully for you no matter what our circumstances. Grant us your peace which passes understanding. Let us live to make your name and your salvation known to this world dying in despair for any future. Prepare us for heaven with you for all eternity. May we be found faithful. Amen. 


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