The Lord Answered Me

Scripture: Psalm 34:4-5 (ESV)

4 sought the Lord, and he answered me

and delivered me from all my fears.

    Those who look to him are radiant,

and their faces shall never be ashamed.




            Today, we meditate on a psalm of David. This psalm was written on the occasion of David obtaining his freedom from Abimelech. David had pretended to be insane in order to secure his freedom. Therefore, David breaks into a psalm of thanksgiving and praise. He celebrates his freedom by rejoicing and praising God who has delivered him from captivity. What are some lessons we can employ from David’s reaction in this psalm.


            First when we find ourselves captive, we are to seek the Lord. It does not have to be physical captivity. Time and again I find myself held captive by my sins. Entangled in a web of my own making. Unable to make my way out and despairing of my own life. Until I call out to the Lord. He answers me and frees me from the shackles of my own sin and folly.


But sin and folly are not the only thing that hold me captive from time to time. Sometimes even good things can keep me from enjoying the abundant life I am to enjoy in Christ. We must be cautious then about enjoyments and pleasures of life. We can easily fall into traps devised by Satan that seem to our benefit. Only to realize that eventually we become addicted to our pleasures and enjoyments.


The answer to all these traps of Satan is to call out to the Lord. He loves us too much to leave us stuck in our sin. He is mighty to save us from all our trials. If we keep our minds fixed on him, we will be saved from many snares and tricks of the devil. As David writes later in the psalm,” Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him”! (Vs 8)


The Lord provides for all who call upon him. He gives richly from his storehouse of blessings to those who call upon his name. All who fear God are to call upon the name of Lord together knowing that they will receive goodness and blessings. The Lord knows how to take care of his servants and see them through to everlasting life. Let us praise the Lord for he is good.




            Lord, we lift your name on high. You rescued us from all our troubles. We praise you because you are so, so good to us. You rescued us from all our troubles and grant us pardon even though we do not deserve it. You are our ever-present help in times of distress. Your goodness lasts for all ages. Thank you, Father, for loving us your wayward children and seeking our welfare. Your mercy knows no end. Amen.



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