Wake Up!

Scripture: Romans 13:11 (ESV)

11 Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. 12 The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.


            Paul’s words from his letter to the Romans is just as potent today as they were to its first readers. Our culture today is just as fallen (if not more so) than Rome was in Paul’s day. Today we live in an age that has been blinded to the things of God by powerful forces of darkness and evil. The church has been acting like a sleepwalker moving through this dark age mostly oblivious to the danger that surrounds it. The cultural elites of this age hope that the church will continue in its semi-comatose state so that they can completely take over the culture without a fight.

            Paul urges the church in Rome to realize that the approach of that blessed day of the Lord’s return is closer now than it was yesterday. We are likewise challenged to live in the hope of our final salvation and vindication every minute of every day. Jesus will return and gather the ungodly and idolaters from the face of the earth and cast them away. While the He welcomes his church into a new and glorious age of peace.

            Indeed, as Paul proclaims, the night will end soon. This present age of darkness will end, and the new heavens and new earth will arrive. While the darkness remains, however, we must be live as lights in this darkness until the new day fully arrives. Paul declares that we must put away all evil deeds so that we can be clothed in the “armor of light.” We must put away our love of sinning and live as new creations awaiting our creators' return.

            We are being called to a higher state of alertness. We must shake off the grogginess and slumber of our current church age. We must take up the “armor of light” and prepare for a spiritual battle that must be fought if we are to save our culture from certain death and destruction. The darkness has captured much ground already. But darkness will flee in the presence of the light. Therefore, let us be lights in this dark age. Pray to the Lord to give us courage and strength.


            Lord, sound the alarm! Wake us from our slumber. Grant us courage for the facing of this hour. Be our strong deliverer and help us to be lights in this sad, dark, and perishing world. Lord, help us to live as sources of power and inspiration in our day. May everyone know that you are God and there is no other beside you. Hear our plea and give us strength to live in light of your instructions to be salt and light. Amen.


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