The Lost Coin

Scripture: Luke 15:8-10 (NIV)

[S]uppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’ 10 In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”


            Today I am writing for those who do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus is looking for you. Just like the woman in the parable above Jesus is searching for you everywhere. For our Lord desires that none should be lost but that all should come to repentance and new life in Him. Stop and think of the privilege we have. That we humans should be sought out by the Creator of the Universe. Why does the Almighty seek us out? We may never know the full answer to that question this side of heaven, but we should be comforted that God considers us of inestimable worth in His eyes.

            Right now, it may seem as if your local church is in decline. It may seem that the cultural tides have turned against God’s people. The simple fact is that God is not going away. Jesus will never stop looking for His lost people. Cultures and times may change but Christ and His offer of salvation still stands. There is no limit to the love and patience of God. It is the same yesterday, today and will be the same tomorrow. A loving Creator who desires to rescue us, His special creation from bondage to death and decay.

            God will free us from our chains if only we would let Him. He offers us new life through the blood of Jesus. He desires that people should take Him at His word and accept the offer so that they may be free from the power of sin and death forever. Yet, in our human weakness we often ignore God’s urgent plea. We love the pleasures of sin, the flesh, and worldliness not realizing that they are ultimately futile and death dealing. We wait in vain for our earthly pursuits to make us happy and fulfilled.

            We must realize that God is looking, searching, watching. He wants to see if any will return to His ways and follow Jesus on a journey into eternal life. However, God is a polite God for now. He does not force anyone to accept his free offer of eternal life, yet. Be aware though that God will one day demand that every knee should bow, and every tongue confess Jesus Christ as Lord. Then it will be too late to make a change. I pray that you will allow God to make you holy right this second. Pray with me:


            Lord Jesus, I pray that you will come into my heart right now. I ask you to change me into a new creation. Take away my desires to be wealthy or popular. Help me forsake my worldly ways and turn to you for nurture and care. Help me to search your Holy Bible to find the way to life in Jesus. May there be rejoicing in heaven that I have found the way to Jesus. Amen. 


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