The Abundant Life

Scripture: John 10:9-10 (ESV)

. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.


            There are many books, internet videos, and even television preachers who promise to unlock the secrets to the abundant life. They insist that we are all destined for a materially rich life with no more worries about money or other material comforts. They cannot all be right. In fact, their claims are sometime contradictory and quite often unbelievable. So, how does one really have an abundant life? First, we need to determine what we mean when we say abundant life. The meaning of the Greek word for abundant here has two senses. First materially and second spiritually abundant. How can we determine which sense is meant here? Or are both senses in view here.

            My answer is that both senses are in view. First, the spiritual life is clearly meant in verse nine when Jesus says, “if anyone enters by me, he will be saved.” This statement implies that through Jesus those who believe will have all their spiritual needs met and then some. This statement can be interpreted in light of Jesus’ saying “I am the way, the truth, and the life” elsewhere in John’s gospel. Jesus is the only way to receive eternal life. A life full of the blessings of God both now and forever.

            The material sense is in view as well. However, we must be cautious not to mean more than what the text says. It does not say that all believers will have chauffeurs and ride around in limo’s and have more money than they know what to do with. God will bless believers with more than they need, but not more than they can handle. In my life I have had to live on $325/month and also have lived on $25,000/month. In both extremes I have felt the blessing of God. All my needs were taken care of in both scenarios. I lived a life of material abundance regardless of my income.

            Satan, of course, tries to make us feel like we do not have enough blessings from God. He will attack both our spiritual and physical lives telling us that God is holding out on us and if we just had a little bit more we would be satisfied. This is the same lie he used on Eve in the garden at the dawn of time. Satan always wants us to partake of the forbidden fruit. Jesus came to give us a truly abundant life. We must listen to Jesus rather than Satan. Jesus will give us all we need plus some to share with others. Let us rejoice in his abundant provision for our lives!


            Dear Jesus thank you for coming to provide for all of our needs. May we always rejoice in your provision. Silence Satan’s alluring voice tempting us to doubt your ability to bless our lives abundantly. May we be faithful and live to praise you and glorify your name because you have blessed us by your provision for our lives. Amen.


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