God Will Finish It

Scripture: Philippians 1:6 (ESV)

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.


            Have you ever tried putting together furniture out of a box? Let me assure you that it is not for the faint of heart. The directions sometimes seem to be written in another language, but with perseverance and a little luck the project turns out like it is supposed to. I feel that way with my Christian walk sometimes. I wish God luck in putting me together. I have so many faults and defects. It feels at times like there are missing pieces that I can't possibly be complete without. God, however, knows what I need to be complete in him and is persistent in the task. Therefore, I can say with Paul that God will bring me to completion in his time.

            God is like that with all his people though. Those who have put their trust in Jesus can be assured that they will be made whole and complete in the end. God’s promise here is iron-clad and will not be broken. No matter what loss, hardship, pain, or sin seems to be blocking your way to living a completed Christian life he will overcome on your behalf to bring you to the life you were meant to live in him.

            We must only remain faithful to following Jesus and let God take care of the rest. For those who do not know Jesus yet. I say come to Jesus the font of God’s tender mercy and grace and you will find that rest for your souls. Jesus wants to present his whole church that includes each and every member to the Father pure and spotless on that great and awesome day of the Lord’s return. So, fear not. Jesus cares for each and everyone of his children. Despite the obstacles that Satan may try to throw in our way we will be victorious.

            Once we get started on the road with Jesus, he will never leave us or forsake us. The world, the flesh, and the devil will try their best to frighten us. They will try to convince us that God’s words are not meant for us today. That we are hopelessly trapped by our besetting sin. God could never use us in his kingdom service. Never believe this kind of talk. Rely wholly on God’s word that Jesus love for you can never change or be withdrawn completely. Victory in Jesus is possible because Jesus has defeated the devil in the cross and empty tomb. We are free to live as God’s chosen people. Let us give thanks to the Lord for this awesome truth.


            Lord Jesus Christ, we praise your name today. We rejoice in the knowledge that you have loved us from the beginning of time, and you will continue to love us until the end of time. We have confidence, therefore, to praise and thank you for all your promises. You always keep them. Even if we are sometimes faithless, you are always faithful. May we spread the word of your unfailing love to everyone we know. Let our lives be lived as a shower of blessing and love on all we meet each day. In Jesus name we ask it. Amen.


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