Be Equipped

 Dear Readers: I am leaving in a few hours to visit my son and daughter-in-law and James my first grandson. Therefore, there will be no devotionals until next week. May the God of peace bless you each day with his word. Pray for my trip if you would be so kind. Peace and blessings, John Haselton

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 (ESV)

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it 15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.


            In this scripture we see Paul writing some very personal words of encouragement to his son in the faith, Timothy. While they were certainly words addressed to a particular person at a particular time, we can still make use of them today as God’s word to us. These words have been and continue to be treasured by the church in all times and in all places.

            Paul begins by telling us to remember the truths we have learned about God from those who have been Godly teachers. Every Christian alive today should be grateful to those in our past who have helped teach us about God. Our belief in Christ today would not have been possible without their Godly teaching.

            We should likewise be grateful to those who gave us access to the scriptures. My Grandfather gave me a copy of the word of God as a birthday present when I turned three years old. While that was long before I could read it, I treasured its instruction and I still use it today. We should be especially grateful to live today when the Bible is available so widely. You have the choice between many translations and different media today. And the choices keep expanding. I write this having used online Bible translations and commentaries to prepare this devotion.

            Verse 16 is a well-known verse on the reliability of scripture. While the exact meaning of the words of the verse are debated among commentators, it is certainty about one thing: that the scriptures are reliable and trustworthy on all matters of faith and practice. If you study these words, they will make you wise and confident to live and speak as a Christian. The alleged contradictions, errors, and mistakes people have claimed are in the Bible are usually easily explainable. Even if we have a challenging time doing it studying these issues will only strengthen your faith in God and the reliability of the Bible.

            The next verse is widely interpreted to mean only persons who are engaged as formal leaders in the church are in need of this training in the scriptures. I think this is a tragic mistake. I know of people who have been led to Christ by ordinary people. The great preacher D.L. Moody was led to Christ by an ordinary layman in a shoe store. All Christians should be prepared to give a defense of the faith at any time.


            Dear Lord, hear our prayer today. Let us be prepared and ready to lead and teach our neighbor about the love we have found in you dear Jesus. Equip us all to share our faith with those we meet each day. Lord encourage us each day to be ready to work for you. Train us all to be leaders in your work. Let us honor those who are in leadership roles in the church and encourage them to become well equipped to lead your people. Amen.


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