Work Out Your Salvation


Scripture: Philippians 2:12-13 (ESV)

12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.


            Paul just prior to this passage has just given a description of the person and work of Jesus Christ in the first 11 verses of this chapter. He now brings his thoughts to a close with these words. Prior to these words was a wonderful description of the obedience of Jesus. Paul now encourages us as Jesus obeyed the Father so we must obey Jesus. Paul is also urging the church at Philippi to obey the words he taught them while he was present with him and what he is teaching in this letter.

            The phrase “work out your own salvation…” has been the cause for debate among scholars. With this verse being ripped out of context to justify interpretations which Paul never intended, and the Philippians never understood these words to mean. What he did not mean is that the people in the church would somehow perform works that would lead to their salvation. Instead, what he likely meant that the church was to work together for their individual and collective well-being. It should be noted that the verb here “work” is a command not a suggestion. They were to take the matter seriously and reverently with fear and trembling.

            Verse 13 gives the reason for the command. The church at Philippi was to understand that it is God who ultimately brings about change in the believer's life. All things happen according to His purposes which cannot be defeated. This is a great comfort to the believer knowing that the effort he applies to living a Christ like life will not be in vain. God will use our struggles and hardships to bring about a fruitful harvest if we will obey his commands.

            In summary, we can see that God through Paul has here laid out some important truths for the Christian life in this passage. We must obey the teachings of scripture. As we obey, we will be working out our own salvation. It is an awesome responsibility. We are to take it very seriously. Because God is leading us to bring His kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. Let us pray that God’s work in us would be fruitful and would be honoring to Him.


            Lord Jesus, help us to obey all your commands that we might be your instruments to bring about your kingdom here on earth. Let us never get discouraged because we know that you are at work in our lives. Help your church, Lord, to be an effective witness in the world. Teach us to depend on you to be constantly changing us into your likeness and image. Lord, encourage us when we feel we have failed you. Let us realize that you really do work in our lives for our good and yours. Amen.


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