The Faithful Remnant
Scripture: Acts 18:8-11 (ESV)
9 And the Lord said to Paul one night
in a vision, “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, 10 for I am with you,
and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city who are my
people.” 11 And he
stayed a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.
world is losing its collective mind. From wars to school shootings,
the headlines are full of moral tragedies. Paul in today’s scripture was in a
similar predicament. When there was no one that he could turn to
for encouragement and support the Lord himself intervened and told Paul that he
should not worry. God was working in the city for Paul even though he was not
aware of it. God often works behind the scenes for us. Even when times are like
they are today God always reserves a remnant of the faithful. He always watches
out for his children.
is not the first nor will he be the last to feel all alone in his support of his
children. In First Kings 19:18 God reassures a dejected Elijah that he is not
alone, in fact, there are seven thousand who remain faithful to the Lord. God
then launches Elijah on a mission to anoint several people and continue in his
The odds may seem impossible to us;
however, we can trust that the Lord will be faithful and provide us with a way
to overcome the odds no matter how they are stacked against us. While God may
not appear in a vision or speak to us audibly as he did to Paul and Elijah in
the Bible. God is no less at work in our world today than he was all those years
ago. God has promised us that we need not fear what people may do to us. He has
us firmly in his grip and will make a way for us to continue working for him.
So, when you feel alone and
discouraged, encourage yourselves with these examples from the Bible. No less
than Elijah and Paul felt alone and discouraged, and God was with them. Even so
God will be with you just put your trust in him and be comforted knowing that
if God is for us no one can stand against us. Let us pray for courage to change
our world for Christ.
Father, we know you are worthy of all praise and worship. Help us learn to rely
on your people to be a support for us through the trials we have in this life. Knowing
that you love us and sent your only Son to be with us here on earth. But you were
not done with us with your Son because you sent your Holy Spirit to remain with
us throughout the years. Let us lift our hands and voices in worship on this day
and remember that you are always working for us. Amen.
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