Help for our Prayers

Scripture: Romans 8:26 (ESV)

26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.


            I often feel very weak in my prayer life. It seems that when I want to pray for someone or something and I can never find words to express what I want to pray. And at other times I do not even know how to pray at all. So, I take comfort at the words of today’s scripture reading. Here is Paul the great apostle to the gentiles, admitting that he also feels weak and impotent in prayer. I know then that I am not alone in my struggles with prayer.

            Quite often I have been reduced to groans, sighs, and tears instead of actual words when I pray. At other times I borrow from the prayers of the church. I use the psalms as God approved prayers. Likewise, I also use the prayers from the prayer collections of the church. These prayers can help me in my groaning and sighing. They say things that help me express my deepest feelings to God.

            Another thing that helps me to pray is to do it whenever I feel the need. Waiting to pray often causes me to forget what I was going to pray for and sometimes forget to pray all together. My weaknesses are apparent when I am asked to pray aloud for the church or at some event even a mealtime prayer. I learn to depend on the Holy Spirit to direct my prayers. As my sighs and groaning make for poor public prayers. I am learning that I can trust God to provide the words to express my intentions in prayer.

            My prayers often can be inarticulate and seemingly meaningless to me. I must depend on God to know my heart and the intent of my prayers. God wants me to communicate with him. No relationship worth its salt is built without communication, and without communication any relationship will fall apart. I want you, dear reader, to be encouraged in your prayer life. Now that you know that even the great apostle Paul struggled with prayer and relied on the Spirit to help him in his prayers. Let us in our weakness now go before the Lord in humility and honesty to pray in the Spirit,


            Lord God Almighty, hear our weak and feeble prayers. We give you thanks for your gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us to pray. We praise you for knowing everything we intend to pray even if we cannot find the words to express what is deep down in our hearts. Help us to pray and praise you with everything we have. May we truly learn to love you through our prayers. Let us be faithful in worshiping you with our prayers. Amen.


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