In God’s Image


Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27 (ESV)

26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

            27          So God created man in his own image,

in the image of God, he created him;

male and female he created them.



            Here, in these well-known words of scripture, we see God planning and executing his plan for the human species. God had already created all of the heavens and the earth. He had brought forth all the living creatures and the earth teemed with life. However, God had one more creation he desired to make. God desired to make a being that was like himself in some unique way. So, the scripture tells ua that God created a human and made this being to be in his image and likeness. A being that has the ability to rule over all the rest of creation. A special creature with the capabilities to keep order in the creation God had made.


            This new creature was to possess the earth and tend it in a loving caring manner. All God’s creation was to be subject to this being. And although this particular text does not point it out directly this human was to be subject to the Creator God and no one else. God’s original creation was perfect. There was no confusion about who played what role in God’s created order.


            God created male and female humans. Though different in form and function they were one in essence with each other, creation, and God. Humankind was designed to bring glory to the creation. That all creation was to be a glorious thing that gave praises to its Creator.


            Why then does creation and especially humankind seem so broken today? Where there was originally clarity and purpose, we find confusion and randomness. A world that is in serious need of a change in management. Humankind has failed in its number one task given to it in the beginning. The earth is in crisis, physically, and spiritually. It seems that each new day reveals the brokenness of what God had originally called “very good” (See Gen. 1:31)


            The Bible makes it clear that the world system was once in perfect balance and harmony with itself and with God its creator. The Bible also makes clear the source of the imbalance and disharmony we see today. The source of this mess is the creature that God had originally entrusted with creations care and tending, humankind itself. We, humans, have become the enemy of God and God’s natural creation.


             Is it possible to restore humankind and the rest of God’s creation to its pristine state? The Bible makes it clear that humans acting on their own can never restore God’s creation to its original beauty and harmony. However, God has already begun the process of restoration. It is hidden from our eyes at the present time but will one day be restored on a day in the future of God’s own choosing. No human action can hasten or delay that day.


            We can, however, participate in God’s plan to restore the world by doing one thing. That is believing in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. By doing this one act we can be assured of a place in God’s renewed creation. A place in the Kingdom of God come to earth. Following Jesus’ teaching is the one and only way we can be assured of a place in the new earth that God is preparing in heaven for us right now. As more people follow the way of Jesus the world will become more like it was for the first man and woman. And by God’s direct action in the future, we know that the world will be restored. And we humans will be restored to being the full and complete image of God. Let us pray for that restoration right now.



            Lord God, you created us to be your image bearers and caretakers of creation. We have failed miserably to live up to that calling and that task. We have become your enemies instead of your representatives in the world. Save us God. We need to be reborn in the image of Jesus by the power of your Holy Spirit. Help us to begin to care for the creation and for each other in ways that bring you glory. Move us in ways of peace holiness. Amen.


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