A New King
Colossians 1:13-14 (ESV)
13 He [God] has
delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his
beloved Son, 14 in
whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Hear the good news from God! If we give
our lives to God, he will give us back our lives. We will be free from sin’s
grasp and be able to live a life of victory in Jesus. Our lives will be free
from the rule of Satan and his minions and what a glorious freedom that is. The
devil is a grueling task master. He drives us deeper and deeper into his
kingdom of darkness until we are unable to free ourselves from the chains that
we wear. We may at first enjoy the chains of sin. However, soon we realize what
a false comfort our sin is.
We have no way to escape from the
bondage of sin on our own. But thanks be to God we have been provided a way of
escape through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus tells
us that his yoke is easy and his burden light. (Matthew 11:30) Our freedom is
complete in Jesus. The victory Jesus has won for us on the cross is a great and
marvelous thing. All we can do is to bow in reverent thanksgiving and praise
for our deliverance.
This world is full of darkness. The
powers that rule the nations are evil and our lives are affected by that. We
are called to be a light in the darkness. At first, it may seem futile trying
to be a light in this murky world, but we will be effective if we are faithful.
We must remember just as God delivered the Hebrews from the chains of slavery
in Egypt, in the same way he will deliver us if we lean on him. Our new life in
Christ is better than anything we might try to achieve on our own.
Glory be to God most high. Thank you
for delivering us from bondage in Satan’s house of darkness. We worship you
because you are mighty to save us from our slavery to sin. Be with us each day
as we seek to be a light to this dark old world. Help us join with your people
that together we may be an unmistakable beacon of freedom and courage to the
world. Amen.
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