Pray at All Times for All People


Scripture: Ephesians 6:18-20 (NRSV)

18 Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints. 19 Pray also for me, so that when I speak, a message may be given to me to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it boldly, as I must speak.


            Paul closes out his chapter on spiritual warfare and the armor of God with an invitation to pray. Although prayer is not considered part of the armor of God described in the earlier verses. It certainly is to be used by us in conjunction with taking up each piece of armor. Prayer is the proverbial glue that holds the armor together, so that the wearer is fully protected from assaults by the devil and his crew.

            First of all, we are to pray in the Spirit. Our prayer is sometimes dry and mechanical following rote patterns and using trite phrases. We must invite the Holy Spirit to indwell us as we pray so that our prayers might be fervent and effective as Elijah’s prayers were. (See James 5:17) The Holy Spirit will enable us to pray with power and purpose even when words fail us. The Spirit helps with groans too deep for words. Also, we know that Jesus is at the throne of God interceding for us in our time of need.

            The apostle instructs us to pray for each other. It is a very great help to pray for our fellow believers. We all walk this road of discipleship together and we need to be praying one for another. And praying not just when our name pops up a prayer chain for some specific need (although that is needful also) but rather every day. One suggestion I have found useful is to take your church directory and pray for a set number of families in that directory each day. You may find as I have that these prayers bring for a fruitful harvest for the kingdom.

            Last of all Paul requests prayer for himself. He is in a prison, yet he prays that even in his imprisonment the good news of Jesus might be proclaimed through him. How can we apply this to today’s world? Obviously, we do not need to pray for Paul as he is alive forever in Christ. My suggestion is that we pray for our pastors. That they would be able to declare the gospel boldly and clearly in this lost and confused generation. We can pray that their ministries would grow and bear fruit pleasing to the Lord. Help them to make plain to us the mystery that is Christ in us the hope of glory. Let us go before the Lord right now:


            Holy God we come to you in prayer. We look to be obedient to your word praying in the Spirit so that our prayers might be as effective as Elijah’s were. We ask Lord you watch over and protect each one who calls upon your name. Help all of us, but especially our pastors, to be bold in declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ. Where there has been division bring unity in the Spirit. Where there has been injury bring pardon. Where there has been strife and quarreling bring peace. Asking all this in the name of your blessed son, Jesus. Amen.


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