Abundant Life


Scripture: John 10:10 (ESV) 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.


            This scripture tells us all we need to know about why Jesus came as a baby so long ago. Until Jesus came the world was under to sole rule of the devil. As John writes earlier in his Gospel Chapter 8 verse 44 the following:

                44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He            was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

            Jesus came that instead of being condemned to lying and murdering each other we would be able to have life. Just as the devil brings with him lies and murder, Jesus comes to us with truth and life.

            One other thing we must note from John 10.10 is that Jesus not only brings us life, but he brings us abundant life. The Greek word perisson translated here as abundantly means an exceedingly great amount. An amount beyond belief. We who follow Jesus can expect to receive an abundance not in money or possessions but in spiritual blessings far more than we could ever hope for. The devil will come to steal your blessings, but we must watch over them carefully. Because we know that the enemy of our souls prowls about seeking someone he can destroy.

            Therefore, we must seek to always stay close to Jesus. Because Jesus wants to watch over each of us to save us from the devil’s power. Jesus not only seeks to give us abundant blessings but intends that we should keep those blessings. The Lord does not want the devil and his demons to steal from us the fruit of the spirit with which we have been blessed. Nothing is more important to our witness for Christ than being living examples of a life God has rescued from death and destruction.

            While the world will go on in its lying, murderous rampage because of the incitement of Satan to do so. The Christian is to stand in hope holding out the gospel light of truth and life found in Christ to a desperate and dying world. May we be faithful to our Lord and be shining examples to the world that has become such a dark place. Let us pray.


            Glory to you Lord God our maker. You have through your blessed son Jesus saved us from a life of darkness and death. Grant us strength to follow Jesus wherever he may take us. May we always be shining lights no matter how dark the world becomes. Help us reach out to others who do not yet follow you so that they may be saved from this world system. May we do all things by your power and in your will. Amen.


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