Pandemic Survival Kit


Scripture: Romans 15:4-6 (NIV)

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.


            We have been going through some tough times with this Covid-19 virus. It has called all of us to be endurance runners in the race of life. Lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccines, virus passports, have all been a part of our lives for the last two years in this pandemic. We have either experienced these situations or watched as others did. What started out as a sprint, 15 days to slow the spread, has morphed into a marathon of months then years of suffering and death.

            Today’s scripture does speak into our current situation. First it teaches us that we can look to scripture to find strength to endure our trials. Scripture has been handed down to us for this very purpose. We as Christians are taught to be models of endurance to our watching world. We are to show that we can reach out to our neighbors even in times of illness and loss. We endure whatever requirements our government puts on us so that we might be a force for healing and reconciliation in our communities.

            We are sent by God out into the world to encourage those who are discouraged by all the sickness and death we see around us in our nation and the world. The scriptures speak words of encouragement to us so that we might spread that encouragement and hope to those we meet each day.

            When we feel discouraged and weak, we must ask God to revive our spirits. This scripture declares that God is a God that longs to give us the endurance and encouragement we need to be a positive force in this world. We must not be afraid to ask God for endurance and we must go to the scriptures for encouragement each day. We are to be of one mind and one voice of hope and encouragement to our world that is suffering right now. Let us with one voice now pray that God would strengthen us for the days ahead.


            Glory be to our God. We raise our voices in praise of your wonderous provision for our lives. Help us in this time of world wide disease and suffering to be beacons of hope for all the world to see. Help us to rejoice in You despite our circumstances. We thank you for providing us with the endurance and the encouragement we need to face this hour in world history. You are a God who saves, save us from despair and discouragement. Let us offer your salvation to a needy world. In Jesus name we pray this, Amen.


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