Witnessing for Jesus


Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 (NLT)

When I first came to you, dear brothers, and sisters, I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan. For I decided that while I was with you, I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified. I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling. And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God.


            In this scripture Paul lays out the secret to success in proclaiming the gospel. The power of the gospel does not rest in any human talent or skill. It rests solely on the power of the Holy Spirit to move a soul to the point where it can receive the good news. Paul here gives good guidance on how we should go about witnessing to others about the truth of the gospel.

            Many shy away from speaking to others of the wonders of God’s salvation because they fear that they are not good enough speakers to communicate the message to others. Paul dispels that myth here. As long as the speaker is saved the Holy Spirit within them will give them all the power and eloquence, they need to be effective for Christ.

            Paul lets us know that it is natural for a person to nervous when presenting the gospel. No matter how many times that person has done it before there is still a part of us that is not comfortable sharing the good news. As Paul says in verse 3 above his witness to the Corinthians came in weakness, timid and trembling.  You would think that Paul of all people would be confident and self-assured in the presentation of the gospel, but he was not.

            I have found that I always am nervous and shy about proclaiming the good news. However, the Holy Spirit always gets me through somehow. It helps when I remember that I am not responsible for the outcome of the presentation. So, I don’t feel like a failure regardless of the outcome because I leave the results in God’s capable hands.

            Paul gives good advice to believers here when he says that he decided to no nothing while he was among the Corinthians except Christ and him crucified. Living your life in this unbelieving world in this way will make it easier to testify about Jesus and his saving love. You know if you have lived in a way consistent with the gospel you won’t be accused of being a hypocrite.

            So don’t worry that you can’t speak in eloquent or fine sounding words. Rely solely on the Holy Spirit to get you through. If you rely on the Spirit, you know that you have all the power and eloquence you will need because of the mighty power of God working through you.

Let’s pray for God’s help in presenting the Gospel:

            Holy God we come to you today to ask that you give us enough courage that we might speak in your name and power through the Holy Spirit. You know Lord that we love you and want all people everywhere to know about how your saving love has brought us new life in you. Let us know nothing but Christ and him crucified when we are in the presence of the public. May our lives be lived in agreement with the gospel both in speech and deed. We ask this in Jesus holy name. Amen.


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