What Have God’s People done?


Scripture: Jerimiah 2:11-12 (ESV)

11  Has a nation changed its gods,

even though they are no gods?

       But my people have changed their glory

for that which does not profit.

12    Be appalled, O heavens, at this;

be shocked, be utterly desolate,

declares the Lord,


The passage from Jeremiah 2:11-12 (ESV) is a poignant reflection on the faithlessness of God's people. In these verses, the prophet Jeremiah conveys a message from God, expressing profound dismay and sorrow over the people's abandonment of their divine heritage. The rhetorical question posed, "Has a nation changed its gods, even though they are no gods?" highlights the absurdity and ingratitude of the Israelites' actions. Unlike the surrounding pagan nations that steadfastly clung to their false gods, Israel, who had the glory of the one true God, abandoned Him for worthless idols.

The phrase "changed their glory for that which does not profit" is especially striking. The "glory" here refers to the presence and favor of God, which was Israel's unique distinction and source of strength. The people exchanged this incomparable treasure for idols – lifeless, powerless objects that could not offer any real benefit. This exchange symbolizes a profound spiritual decline and a tragic loss of purpose and identity.

God's reaction, as conveyed by Jeremiah, is one of utter astonishment and heartbreak. The call to the heavens to "be appalled" and "shocked" underscores the gravity of the situation. It emphasizes that the people's actions are not merely a violation of a covenant but an act that disturbs the natural order and calls for cosmic lamentation.

As modern believers, this passage serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers of spiritual complacency and the lure of idolatry in various forms. We may not worship physical idols, but anything that takes precedence over our relationship with God can become an idol – be it wealth, power, relationships, or personal ambitions. The challenge lies in recognizing these subtle distractions and reaffirming our commitment to God's glory.

In our daily lives, it is essential to reflect on what we prioritize and whether our choices honor the glory of God or chase after fleeting, profitless pursuits. Let us remain steadfast in our faith, valuing our profound relationship with God above all else, and resist the temptation to exchange it for the empty promises of the world. By doing so, we honor God's immeasurable grace and maintain the spiritual integrity that sets us apart as His people.


            O Lord, we know that the nation that fears and serves you will be blessed. Please help us keep this in mind as we live our lives daily. Honoring and serving you is the most important thing any nation can do. Nations are made up of individual persons who will honor you or dishonor you. May we be ever mindful of that fact as these United States of America approaches this election. May we give you glory through our lives and our choice of leaders.


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