Have Confidence in God

Scripture: Hebrews 10:35-36 (ESV)

35 Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. 36 For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what is promised.


In the journey of faith, there are moments when weariness threatens to extinguish our hope. The author of Hebrews addresses a community of believers who faced persecution, doubt, and the temptation to give up. Yet, in these verses, we find a powerful exhortation—to hold fast, endure, and trust in God’s promises.

Do not throw away your confidence.” Confidence here isn’t arrogance; it’s the unwavering assurance that comes from knowing Christ. It’s the boldness to approach God’s throne, the certainty that our sins are forgiven. Reflect on moments when your confidence wavered. How did you regain it? What promises of God anchored you? Remember that your confidence is not in your own strength but in the finished work of Jesus.

“You need to persevere.” Endurance isn’t passive resignation; it’s active trust. We persevere by doing God’s will—obeying, loving, serving—even when circumstances seem bleak. Consider the areas where you’re tempted to give up. What is God’s will for you in those situations? How can you press forward, trusting that His promises await?

“When you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” Our hope isn’t wishful thinking; it’s anchored in God’s unwavering faithfulness. His promises—eternal life, restoration, joy—are not just hopeful possibilities; they are certain. Imagine standing before Him, hearing the words, “Well done.” How does that perspective shape your endurance today?

As we navigate life’s challenges, let’s cling to our confidence in Christ. Let’s persevere, knowing that God’s will leads to His promises. Our endurance isn’t in vain; it’s the path to reward. So, let's keep pressing on, doing God's will, and keeping our eyes on the promises that await us.


            Lord, help us relax and live with confidence that you have all things under your control, even when it seems the world has collectively lost its mind. Help us trust in you no matter what. Lead us to be confident no matter what the world throws our way. Strengthen us to be brave and courageous and live confidently for the cause of Christ in the world. Amen.



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