The Helper Will Come

Scripture: John 15:26-27 (ESV)

26 “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me. 27 And you also will bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning.


            When John wrote this, the Helper had already come upon the disciples. Jesus’s words had proven true again. The Helper was, of course, the Holy Spirit that fell on the disciples on Pentecost. In addition to all the more spectacular miracles the Spirit brought about on that day was this gift of remembrance. The New Testament writers all had this miraculous assistance through the Helpers ministry. This ministry gift does not get the praise it deserves. Speaking in tongues, healings, words of knowledge, etc., all tend to stand out in our minds.

            As I age, I pray for this gift from God more and more. My memory seems to become less reliable every day. With all the pressures of Apostleship pressing down on them, the first disciples must have appreciated this gift more and more with each passing day. Jesus’ promise and the fulfillment of that promise no doubt seemed more and more dear to the first disciples. As verse 27 states, the disciples themselves are being called to tell of the wonderful, marvelous acts of Jesus to the believers and non-believers. They needed the Spirit’s help.

            The Helper’s gift of bringing important things to the minds of believers did not cease after the Apostle’s Day. While the Spirit reveals no new truth about God, He brings to mind the truth already revealed in scripture. I confess that without the Spirit’s help, my witness would not happen often. The Spirit still reveals important texts to me as I converse about Jesus and the expansion of the Kingdom of God. Many a missionary can attest to this gift of bringing scripture to mind while witnessing to Christ.

            Let us rejoice in the beautiful gift of Spirit-aided memory. God is always standing ready to help those who are witnessing. We can aid the Spirit if we commit to the practice of scripture memorization. The more of the word we have in us, the easier it is to call to mind the Scripture when we need it. The more of the word lives within us; the easier it is for the Spirit to jog our memories when needed. Let us pray for the Helper to come and aid our memory.


            Lord, thank you for the gift of memory. Whether ours is sharp and in shape or dull and need of sharpening, you stand ready to help us in our time of need. Thank you for the gift you poured out at Pentecost. We are grateful for both the spectacular and the less obvious gifts. Help us, Lord, to be faithful witnesses to your power in the world. Let us spread the gospel by the power and help of the Holy Spirit. All glory to God in the highest. Amen.


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