Jesus Overcomes the World

Scripture: John 16:31-33 (NLT)

31 Jesus asked, “Do you finally believe? 32 But the time is coming—indeed, it’s here now—when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone. Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me. 33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world.”


            This passage of scripture highlights the disciples' reactions to Jesus’ trial and crucifixion. The disciples claim that they will all follow Jesus wherever He goes. Jesus knows His followers better than they know themselves. All of them will desert him, and one will even deny knowing Him. Courage among this group at this time does not even exist. Things have not changed much over the intervening 2,000 years.

            Great courage is displayed in the developing world, where the gospel is exploding. Though persecuted and even killed for their faith, they remain courageous. While we in the west debate pronoun hospitality and complain because things do not always go our way in the culture. On other continents, people are being killed by angry mobs. Many Christians in these countries must keep their faith secret to protect their lives. The threat of being canceled off of social media or possibly losing a job is enough to make Western Christians hide their faith underground.

            We in America and the West must learn from our brothers and sisters in the developing world. God will provide us with the courage to face uncertain and dangerous times. Jesus does not fear being left alone by His disciples in His hour of greatest need. He knows the Father is with Him, and he really has nothing to fear. Jesus explains that He has told His followers what will happen to him so they may have nothing to fear.

            Jesus does not promise us tranquility and never-ending delights after He goes away. He tells them—yes, even warns them—that they will have many difficulties to face. However, He tells them to have peace amid their troubles. Jesus declares that He has overcome the world. He tells them, as if it were an accomplished fact, that the world and its trials have no hold on Him because He will return to heaven and the glory He had before the world began.

            In America, we see our society crumbling before our very eyes. We, as individuals, can do little to nothing physically to stop it. However, Paul reminds us that our weapons are not earthly and physical but heavenly and spiritual to conquer the threats we face from the enemy's fiery darts. Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to provide us with the weapons we need to fight this battle as we realize the war has already been won. The empty cross and empty tomb testify to that.


            Lord, we believe, help our unbelief. May we cry out that prayer as our own today. The world seems to be heading in the wrong direction, and there appears to be little we can do about it in our flesh. Remind us again of the power of prayer. It can move mountains and level valleys so that the road would be smooth for our Savior to return. Help us to love our unbelieving neighbors into the kingdom. Teach us that all people are our neighbors, and help us love each other as you loved us. Amen


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