Don’t Fall Away


Scripture: John 16:1-4 (ESV)

“I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away. They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor me. But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you.


            The words of Jesus in today’s scripture were a warning to those who originally heard them. Persecution was coming, and it would be harsh and unforgiving. The original audience for this message would need encouragement to keep following Jesus even when He was not physically present with them anymore. It is a timeless message of encouragement for all believers in every time and place. Jesus will not leave or forsake us to the enemies of the faith.

            Even in today’s world, we hear stories of people being persecuted or even killed for their belief that Jesus is Lord. In places as close as Haiti, violence against the church is a serious threat to the lives and property of believers. All around the world, Christians are under attack for their faith. They need these words from the gospel of John and our prayers for their safety and faithfulness.

            Those of us who are Christians in the United States of America sometimes believe we are being persecuted for our faith in Jesus. Compared to the dangers faced by our brothers and sisters worldwide, we cannot really claim to be persecuted. Yet. The culture in America is becoming more hostile to the faith as time goes on. We are not physically killed for our beliefs at this present moment, but we may be canceled due to our beliefs.

            I hate the term “culture war,” but it seems that we in America are in something like a war in our day-to-day lives. Yet, we have not had to resist to the point of shedding our blood in defense of our Christian faith. We should not be shocked when that day comes. Perhaps sooner than we expect. So, let us hear the words of scripture and take them to heart.

            Always be prepared to fight the good fight of faith. Yet, as Peter says, we should always defend the faith with gentleness and respect. It is hard to do when we feel we are under such tremendous pressure from the culture to violate the teachings of scripture. But we follow a savior who accepted even death on the cross and even prayed for those who were about to kill Him. There is nothing humans can do to us that should cause us to abandon the way of Jesus.


            Heavenly Father, help us to lead exemplary lives amid a culture that is hostile and negative toward people of faith. May the world have no reason to criticize us for our behavior and be put to shame when they trouble us. May we fight the battles that we must fight with spiritual weapons, not physical ones. May we bring glory to the name of Christ through all that we do or say. Let us always remember the assurance you gave us of your presence with us through all things. Amen.


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