God’s Loving-kindness

Scripture: Jerimiah 31.3 (ESV)

I have loved you with an everlasting love;

therefore, I have continued my faithfulness to you.



            Today’s scripture contains a wonderful promise made to Israel while they were in exile. We can appropriate the meaning of this passage because while we may not be a nation in exile, we are a people that have suffered and are suffering a sort of exile as we await the return of our glorious savior Jesus Christ. As Christians we know that this old world is not our home. We are strangers and aliens in a land that does not believe in God anymore, if indeed it ever truly did.

            We can take from this promise hope that God never gives up on regardless of our circumstances. May we rejoice in the knowledge that God’s love for us is everlasting. We can trust in his faithfulness to us regardless of our own faithfulness to him. These facts should bring us to everlasting thankfulness toward our Creator God. As Christians our hope can be even greater than the hope of the children of Israel. We have the promises of Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection to lean in addition to what is written here in Jerimiah.

            It must be true that God’s love is truly everlasting. We have proof in the fact that God did indeed rescue his people from their exile and gave them a savior in due time. We accept the fact that Jesus came and lived, died, and rose again to show God’s forever love for us. We rejoice in the fact that Jesus is living proof of God’s faithfulness to us the people he has called to be his own.


            Lord, thank you for having loved us with an everlasting and indestructible love. May we always glorify your name because of your great love for us. Help us to love others in the way you have loved us. Let us make your faithfulness and everlasting love known to all we meet on this day and always. Keep us in your care and provide us with all we truly need. Assure us of your covenant love for us always. Amen. 


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