A Fire and A Baptism
Scripture: Luke
12:49-50 (NRSV)
49 “I came to bring
fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 I
have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what stress I am under until it
is completed!
It is easy to believe that Jesus
came to bring peace and well-being to the earth. Indeed, there are many
passages that tell us about Jesus' desire for peace on earth. However, there are
also passages like the one above that tell a different story. What could Jesus
mean when he says he has come to bring a fire upon the earth? What kind of
baptism is he to undergo? Jesus says these things to explain the purpose of his
coming in ways that we can never forget.
We need to have the eyes of our
spirit opened so we can see what these words of Jesus meant to those who first
read them and what they mean for us. The fire that Jesus talks about here could
mean a fire of purification and cleansing. The world in Jesus' day right up to
today is in desperate need of a purifying fire from God. It could also mean the
fire of the Holy Spirit that came down and rested on the believers on the day
of Pentecost. A fire that comes down and remains on believers to this day. It
is difficult to know which meaning is to be preferred. I prefer the latter, but
the other is not wrong.
As for the baptism that Jesus is to
undergo, this we must stretch our imaginations a little farther. We
generally think of baptism as immersing, sprinkling, or pouring of water on
someone as a sign and seal of their membership in the church. As I checked my Greek
dictionary, I discovered three columns of meanings for the Greek word baptizo.
These included such entries as to wash or clean, to overwhelm, among
others. Again, finding the best translation is difficult, but our standard
definition is not a viable choice. I go with overwhelm.
Jesus clearly knew that his death
and resurrection would divide the world into those who believed in him and those
who did not. This division would stretch across nations, ethnic groups, and families.
He desired that this baptism would happen soon. He was eager to take up his
cross. In order to complete the mission that his Father had sent him to
We still see the results of that
fire and baptism in our world today. The fires of revival and awakening are
already beginning to be seen in our country today. I, like Jesus, long to see
those fires burn in every corner of this land.
May the good news
of salvation and redemption sweep across this land dear Lord. May we not quench
the Holy Spirit as it burns in our souls with the fire of revival. Awaken our
dead hearts to your holiness and purity so that we may see our poor rags and disobedience
very clearly. May we be open to the move of God no matter our age, race, or economic
status. Lead us to repentance so that we will see your hand move across this
land in a mighty way. May the fire you kindle in our land ignite fires around
the world. May all the world come to know you through the preaching of your Son.
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