Be Like Your Teacher


Scripture: Luke 6:40 (ESV)

A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. 25 It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master.


            Today we consider teachers. Everyone may have a favorite teacher. Someone who made you want to learn what they were teaching. The words of our scripture today are spoken by Jesus to his disciples. However, they were spoken for Jesus followers to hear and understand no matter when they live. They tell the basic truth that a pupil will not ever learn from a teacher more than that teacher knows. You have to have something to offer if you are a teacher otherwise you will be ineffective in the classroom. Today, with the internet it is possible perhaps to learn more facts than one's teacher, but a teacher is so much more than a dispenser of information.

            All teachers must encourage their students to learn everything they can about the material being taught. The teacher should model an open attitude toward learning more and more. Jesus is truly an outstanding teacher that those who aspire to teach can look at as a model. Even though Jesus was God in flesh, he never used his power for ignoble ends. He challenged his disciples to hear and do what he taught, so he could be sure they really knew what it was he was teaching them. All who wish to study the faith must learn to appreciate and follow Jesus’ teaching.

            In today’s culture there are many who seek to teach people. There are thousands of self-help titles on the market today. All claiming to help you improve your life in some way or another. The Bible remains the sole authority for Christians to consult for the building up of our faith. The teachings of Jesus within the Bible are a reliable guide to knowing what God wants of us. Some of his teachings are hard to understand but it is worth our time to dig in and discover their true meaning. This is not to say that the rest of the Bible is not trustworthy, however, the recorded words of the Son of God should be very important to us.

            As we grow in our knowledge and understanding of what the Bible says and seek to live accordingly, we will become more like Jesus. We will never, in this life, get all the way to the holiness and sinlessness of our savior but that should be our aim and desire in life. We can and should be transformed by renewing our minds to follow him more closely each day.


            Lord, help us to be more like you day by day. Develop within us the fruit of the Spirit. May love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control grow in our lives. Help us to study the words of Jesus captured in the Gospels that we may become more like him. May we become obedient to all Jesus Christ and the other writers of scriptures have laid out for us in the pages of the Bibles. Amen


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