A Great Salvation


Scripture: Romans 10:8-9 (ESV)

The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.


            In this scripture we have a most wonderful promise of God. It gives us assurance of our salvation. If we but confess Jesus is Lord with our lips and believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, we are saved. There is no confusion in these words. We can trust in them. We must rely on them because they contain the promise of our salvation.

            You may wonder why this passage does not mention Jesus death on the cross. Surely the crucifixion is important to our salvation. Indeed, it is important because it was necessary for the forgiveness of our sins. However, if Jesus is not raised from the dead then the crucifixion of Jesus is just a sad event in history, and we are still in our sins. The saving action was begun with the crucifixion of Jesus but is brought to glorious conclusion in his resurrection. Paul says elsewhere that “If Christ is not raised,” Paul says, “our faith is futile, and we are yet in our sins” (1 Cor. 15:17)

            The miracle of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the supreme miracle of the Christian faith. It is, as Paul declares in the scripture above, of supreme importance. If it is not true, then we may as well go on sinning because we have no hope of rescue from death. However, if it is true then all of our lives must be transformed because we live not only for our allotted time on earth, but we live forever in heaven with God. We can live in hope of a glorious eternity. Where we will dwell forever with our savior Jesus Christ.

            Therefore, let us have faith in the resurrection of our Lord. Let be sure to confess him with our mouths, not just once, but often so that we may be true followers of Jesus. Let us believe in the resurrection with all of our hearts so that we may be loyal servants of our risen savior. Let us live in the resurrection power full of the Holy Spirit in order to declare that which we believe about Jesus to a waiting, watching world. Let us pray for this power right now.


            Holy God, we bring to you our praises this day. We are praising you for your wonderful plan of salvation that we have for our lives. We praise you for raising our savior Jesus from the dead, so that we may live forever with him in heaven. You are our mighty and formidable God. A God that loves us. A God who gives us all we need to live forever with Him. Glory to God in the highest! Let all the world sing your praises. Amen.


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