Power in Weakness


Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:9b-10 (ESV)

Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


          In today’s world we all can feel powerless in the face of a culture that has turned its back on Christianity. Paul knew what that was like. He faced a culture in the Greco-Roman world that had lots of idols and gods. From Aphrodite to Zeus the culture had plenty of gods. Even the emperors demanded the people worship them as gods. You would think that a culture that had so many gods would be ok with one more. However, the culture balked at the idea of the Christian God because it demanded that the people forsake all the other gods and follow the one true and living God.

          It would have been easy for Paul and his fellow workers to give up on what seemed like a hopeless task of bringing Christ to the nations of world. They were after all weak and vulnerable to attack both verbally and physically. Many ended up as martyrs for the faith simply for preaching that Jesus is Lord. Those in control of the government simply could not stand for any God that stood in the way of their control of the people. This made Christians in that day targets for persecution.

          A similar situation has developed over the past several years in the western cultures. Freedom of speech and assembly of Christians are being increasingly infringed upon. What is one to do? We are to obey civil government when it does its duty to provide freedom to exercise our rights as citizens. However, when the government infringes on those rights, we are free to use civil disobedience to protest laws and actions that are not just. We must be willing to endure the “weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities” just as Paul did.

          When we do these things, we will be storing up in heaven a treasure that will be our reward on the day of judgement. We must somehow learn, as Paul did, to be content in the midst of our sufferings. Working for Jesus to bring his kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven is our most important task. We must do this regardless of what any government of culture thinks about it. Let us pray for the strength to do our work for Jesus.


          Heavenly Father we come to you this day offering our very lives as a sacrifice. O God strengthen our faith to the point where we may be willing and able to give all for the sake of your kingdom. Keep us from giving unnecessary offence but give us firmness of purpose and resolve not to compromise in the essentials of our faith. May we live lives that glorify your name. Amen.


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