The Search for Truth
Romans 1:18 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all
ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress
the truth.”
Devotion: Truth
it seems is in deep trouble these days. The media (social and otherwise) is so
full of lies, half-truths and outright deception it is hard to know what the
truth is anymore. We live in a culture of lies. The devil who according to
scripture is “the Father of lies” must be having a field day. He is likely reveling
in how he has managed to pollute the world with his lies. It has gotten so bad
that some deny even the possibility of knowing the truth. Pontus Pilate’s
famous question of Jesus was “What is truth?” this question is right at home in
our society today.
How can we know the truth in this
post-truth world? We find it extremely hard on a day to day basis to discover
the truth. The only way we can determine truth is by comparing what is being
said, written, or demonstrated is to use the straight edge of scriptural truth.
The Bible claims to contain the truth and that we can rely on it to provide us
with clarity of issues on which the Bible speaks.
On issues where the Bible is silent,
however, we can still use biblical principles to guide us toward dividing truth
from falsehood. The book of Proverbs, for example contains wisdom principles
that we can use when seeking the truth of a matter. And the words and parables
of Jesus can show us the way of truth.
Many people today, however, say that
the Bible is full of contradictions and messages that are anything but a source
of truth or a guide for living the life of truth. When we investigate these
claims we discover that they fail to live up to the hype that the world
attaches to them. When examined closely these claims are shown to be false in
The world has gotten so full of deceit
and lies that a whole new category of work has been created. The “fact checker”
now investigates claims made by politicians and others to see if they measure
up against the truth. However, these fact checkers often have biases which
render them as vulnerable to manipulation in their search for truth amid the
lies. Thus, rendering them to be an unreliable source for truth.
The Gospel of John in chapter 14 verse 6 makes
the claim that “I(Jesus) am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus is
the ultimate fact checker. He never errs in his diagnosis of the facts of the
situation. Whether it be the determination of the illness of which a person that
he cures. He never errs in his diagnosis whereas even the best doctors sometimes
do. Or in his discerning the state of the woman at the wells marital situation.
He always strikes at the heart of the matter and brings about the changes
So, we can know truth. It is found in
Jesus and the Bible. No media organization or other human source of information
can be believed at all times. Jesus stands alone at the end of our search for truth.
May we find rest from our searching there.
Prayer: Heavenly Father thank you for
sending us the truth in your book and especially your own beloved son, Jesus.
May we follow him and learn from him the ways of wisdom and truth. Guard our
hearts against all falsehood and unrighteousness. Create in us a heart for the
truth as it is found in Jesus. May we always search his ways in our search for truth
in this world. Amen
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